Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"ExCELL" at cells!!

What is the smallest part of any living thing?? If you said a cell....you're right! Click here to discover the parts of a cell. Choose either an animal cell or plant cell...or BOTH!

**NOTE: Remember we will be starting to make our models of the cell next week. Use this resource to help you choose whether you want to create an animal or plant cell. Click on cell model to get some ideas for building your model!**

PARENTS' CORNER: As a part of the Ontario Curriculum for Science, by the end of grade 8, students are to expected to be able to "identify organelles in cells through observation and explain their function", and also "describe, using their observations, differences in structure between plant and animal cells". Your children will be creating a model of either a plant or animal cells. You may want to help him/her start gathering materials!

Cell: http://images.google.ca/images?gbv=2&svnum=10&hl=en&q=cell
Parents' Corner: http://images.google.ca/images?gbv=2&svnum=10&hl=en&q=parents+corner

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